Friday, December 10, 2010

What were the Zimmerman Codes? Why were they important?

Please answer in complete sentences


Anonymous said...

it was a diplomatic proposal from the german empire to mexico to make war against the united states. it was important because that was the only way that they could communicate without anyone else finding out their plans..

martinez2324 said...

the zimmerman was sent from washington to mexico.

patrick said...

.the zimmerman codes was used to camunicate with mexico to try to get the to start war with the united states. it was important because the united states intercepted the telogram and became aware of german actions and decleared the declartion of war in april.

ElikemN said...

The Zimmerman telegram was a secret communication system. It was an encoded German transmission . Until the point that the secret code was discovered , the United States had tried to remain neutral in World War I. However, the British and other allies were begging for help. People in the US were leaning towards war, and the telegram acted as a catalyst. This is important because it is what got the U.S in the war

xflybabiimochax said...

it was a top secret message from berlin inviting mexicio to gion japan in the invasion of the u.s