Wednesday, November 10, 2010


What countries in Europe did the most colonization?  What was the sphere of influence? Please be sure to answer in complete sentences.


ElikemN said...

1.Many countries in Europe were colonizing oher countries. The main European countries colonizing were France and Spain.

2. The reason the French and Spanish colonizedwas for their own persoonal gain i.e power. money and natural resources

patrick said...

1. the countries that europe colonised? i the country that did the most colonising was great britian.

2. A sphere of influence is an area where an organization has control or influence. It can refer to governments, or non-political situations like the sphere of influence a mall has over the local economy.

Anonymous said...

1)the country that did the most colonization was england.

2)the sphere of influence was for having a great extension ruling over alot of small countries.......

Legato Smooth said...

1)The country that did the most colonization in Europe was England.

2)The sphere of influence was the great intention of have a source of power over smaller countries
~Cory McLean AKV~Legato Smooth

xflybabiimochax said...

The main countries in Europe that colonized was were France and Spain.

The sphere of influence was to conquer many small countries that couldnt defend themselves and who had to give in to being conquered.

EJMONEY1 said...

1)The country that did the most colonization was England. 2)It was an area or region over which a state or organization has significant cultural, economic, military or political influence

lil bit said...

1. was england
2. it was an area region over which a state or organization has significan cultural, economic, military or plitical influence