Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The white man's burden

the white man's burden was a poem that was made by Rudyard Kipling. the white man's burden was when they felt as if they had to help the indians and africans become "civilized"

some people think that what they did was nessecary while others thought it was completely unfair.
i think it was unfair because the people that were taken over by the europeans thought they didnt need to be changed. the europeans thought they were helping but the people didnt need help.


xflybabiimochax said...

The whitemans burden was a poem made by a whiteman describing how the whiteman wanted the africans to be civilized like them and tried to change the ways of the africans. the whitemnan was so self absourbed they thought their way was better than anyone elses.

oshin said...

the white man burden was about people that thought they were better than everybody else some people thought it was fair i think it was very unfair

Ricky said...

"All men are created equal." "All men are created equal." It's the lofty and revolutionary ideal at America's core. Yet it was written at a time when some inhabitants were held in bondage, and others were being dispossessed of their lands.

EJMONEY1 said...

The White Man's Burden is a poem that was written by Rudyard kipling.The poem was originally written for Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee.it has become emblematic both of Eurocentric racism and of Western aspirations to dominate the developing world.